The unique labyrinth, which has no analogues in the world, was created by Whatansu and the Auksinė Giria team (psychologists, coaches, sociologists, teachers, guidance counselors). It took more than a year to implement the project, putting together tasks, strategies and operational mechanisms. Currently, the labyrinth occupies one square kilometer. It has no borders, territorial demarcations.
The purpose of the labyrinth is to answer a question that concerns you, for which you do not have a solution today.
"Problems cannot be solved by using the same mindset that created them."
- Albert Einstein
Where to start?
Ask yourself a QUESTION, an intention - what can this trip give you?
- Choose your ROUTE according to the element (earth, air, fire, water) or move according to your intuition.
- You can find out which element you belong to by filling out the questionnaire at
- An ARROW indicates the exact direction to the next post with a further reference.
- Look for a task on the POSTS and move on after completing it.
- The distance between the posts is 60/70/80 steps. You already walked 100 steps and didn't find the next one? You are realizing that you have gone astray? Go back and move in the indicated direction again.
- Write down all the thoughts that appear and observe how you feel and the situations that arise.
- If you get lost, get on the road and it will lead you back to the beginning of the Labyrinth, the Auksinė Giria or to Lake Asveja.
- Your TASK: to go through the selected labyrinth route and visit all its posts.
On the journey through the labyrinth you will need:
Mosquito spray (in summer).
- Long sleeves and long pants: the labyrinth is full of vegetation.
- Water: what if you are thirsty?
- Notebook and pen: it is useful to note down the most important observations.
- Flashlight: if you decide to walk the labyrinth in the dark.
Do you want to go with your friends? Write to the organizers and they will help organize a hike through the labyrinth for a larger group of people and provide all the necessary information to make the hike not only fun, but also a personal challenge for everyone.