Educational program „Pasinerk į oranžinę jūrą“

Educational program „Pasinerk į oranžinę jūrą“

We have certainly seen flowers with bright orange blossoms blooming in flower or vegetable gardens plenty of times, but did you know that they also have many impressive health and beauty benefits? Have you heard that marigolds are called a gift of nature? Did you know that their flowers are not always orange? Have you ever seen a sea of ​​marigolds?

Do you want to dive into the sea of ​​orange blossoms, inhale their aroma? Visit Darius farm. Here you will find peace, coziness, warmth. The hosts will tell you about the marigold farm, its development, history, will introduce you to the intricacies of marigold cultivation and preparation for sale, and will serve you marigold tea. On your way home, you can pick up a basket of fragrant flowers and take a photo in the sea of ​​marigolds.

The farm is located in a picturesque area of ​​the district, between Abramaučizna and Taurelis lakes, in the former territory of the old Miškiniai manor. This place is perfect for photo shoots.

We are waiting for you at Darius farm from the end of June to October.

Visitors are accepted on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Cost of visit:

Kids up to 3 years - free.

Older than 3 years - 5 euros per person

For families (children, parents, grandparents) 20 eur.

We are closed on rainy days.

On weekdays, contact +370 699 08789 for visits

Individual visitors and groups are welcome. We would ask the group leaders to coordinate the arrival time in advance.

Molėtų raj. Giedraičių sen. Miškinių viensėdis (View map)
+370 699 08789